How Long Does a Cat Eye Thread Lift Last?

General overview Some lucky people are born with lifted eyebrows and extremely powerful and grasping eyes. Gag eyes are generally very trending nowadays and there are lot of makeup tips and tricks that helps you to achieve the kind of foxy look. The point is not here is that not everyone knows those techniques and most importantly they don't even look natural. A more better and classical approach can be a cat eye thread lift which you can call as a semi permanent treatment that can actually give you that feline effect by open lifting your eyebrows and widening your eyes. Scroll down below if you want to know about some of the best thread lift Dubai . What is a cat eye thread lift? A cat eye lifft is a kind of cosmetic procedure which is done normally in clinics in the outpatient department. The procedure involves the use of fine threads made up of PDO that are inserted on one side of the eyebrow, gently raised and sutured across the corner. This gives the perso...